Many people do not have that much extra cash around to give to charities, but they may have tons of really great possessions which they no longer need, which would make fantastic donations for many educational charity groups. When organizations receive things they need instead of cash they then can use the cash they do raise for other things they need. From cars to church furniture to pet food, there is a charity somewhere that will accept your stuff.
Here is a very partial list of educational organizations in the Washington DC area which will accept all kinds of items including cars, computers, clothes, and much, much more:
• Four Paws Rescue Team- This organization saves abandoned, neglected and generally unwanted cats. They have an aggressive adoption policy which is promoted hand in hand with humane education to end pet overpopulation. They accept hand towels and sheets, cat litter and/or cat food, cat carriers, cat beds, small cardboard boxes (used as litter boxes at adoption fairs), cat toys, stamps, calling cards, gift cards.
• Rebuilding Together- Montgomery County: This group rehabilitates homes of low income families and educates people about the plight of the elderly and disabled. Beneficiaries of this organization are mostly disabled, elderly or both. The rebuilt homes can then offer warmth and safety, and a greater level of independence and dignity to homeowners. Rebuilding together accepts: pick-up trucks, new hand tools, new power tools, printing services, graphic design services and warehouse space in Montgomery County.
• Neighbors’ Consejo- This group seeks to educate the public about the problem of homelessness end to try and end it among Latinos. They offer a large list of services, including outreach to the street, treatment for addiction, job training, mental health care and help finding permanent housing. The consejo will accept household appliances and furniture, household items, toiletries, glassware and landscaping services.